Of all the types of plastic surgery you can get, none requires more of a deft touch than facial surgery. Our eyes are very good at noticing and reading faces, and our eyes are frequently able to pick up the slightest hint of asymmetry or abnormality in someone's face.

This means that a facial plastic surgeon has to be extremely good at creating natural-looking surgical outcomes. The problem, from your perspective, is that it's difficult to tell what sort of results a doctor can give you until the surgery is already performed. So how do you decide which facial surgeon you're going to trust beforehand?
The best way to determine whether you are comfortable with a facial surgeon is to arrange an in-person meeting. This gives us a chance to show you past examples of surgeries and explain the procedure. Ideal surgeons should:
- Have many before-and-after pictures to give you an idea of their skill level
- Make you feel comfortable in their office
- Be able to effectively explain your surgical options and what they mean
- Put your goals and expectations first when planning the procedure
- Be willing to answer any questions you may have