Fat Deposits Just Beneath Your Chin Can Be Among The Most Noticeable Signs Of Aging As Well As The Most Stubborn Type Of Fat.

Without injectables that are able to get rid of this excess fat, surgical solutions like neck lifts have been the only answer. But now, thanks to Kybella, you have an easier option. In April 2015, the FDA approved Kybella for patients who wished to reduce fat beneath their chin, improving their profile and giving their face a youthful look.

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How Kybella Works

The active ingredient in Kybella is deoxycholic acid, a compound that is naturally produced by your body. Deoxycholic acid aids in breaking down fat and turning it into energy. By injecting an extra amount of this acid into the fat beneath your chin, you allow your body to break down the fat much more quickly than normal, giving you a stronger jawline and a more youthful neck. Philadelphia Kybella patients can be treated for the "double chin" that occurs due to excess fat on your neck. Properly applied, Kybella will destroy the fat cells, leading to:

  • Disappearance of your double chin
  • A more striking chin profile
  • A sharper jawline
  • Reduction of excess neck fat.

If you are familiar with dermal fillers, you know that most of them require you to revisit the doctor every 6-12 months to have the fillers re-injected. Kybella is different. After 2-6 appointments that take place within a single month, you never need to come back to the doctor's for more Kybella. While most dermal fillers require you to come back to the doctor every 3 - 12 months, permanent results are obtainable with Kybella Philadelphia surgeon Dr. Morgenstern will administer your initial treatment sessions, and when complete, you will likely not have any further issues with fat accumulating beneath your chin, so long as you do not gain too much additional weight after the procedure.

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Next StepsSchedule a Consultation

Dr. Morgenstern and our staff dedicate time to thoroughly understanding your vision during your consultation. It is important to us that all your questions are answered so we can ensure a personalized approach to natural-looking results. We look forward to guiding you on your journey to enhanced confidence and beauty.

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