After Facelift surgery, you'll need to take some time to let yourself rest and recover. A recovery period is normal following just about any type of surgery. The nature of your recovery can depend on the type of Facelift you receive. Certain techniques involve less extensive re-shaping of tissue, and may not require as much downtime.

During your consultation, we'll discuss with you exactly what you should expect from your Facelift recovery, which may include:
- Not driving for a few days
- Taking about 2 weeks off from work
- Taking time off from strenuous exercise for a few weeks
Our surgeons may also recommend Arnica and a vitamin regimen after surgery. This regimen minimizes our patients' post-operative bruising and swelling. After your Facelift surgery, it's normal to experience some discomfort and mild pain. Our facial plastic surgeons will recommend a pain medication – normally an OTC medication like Tylenol does the trick. You'll also have swelling and bruising, which will be most pronounced for the first several days after surgery. After about a week, much of the bruising and swelling should be gone and you can apply makeup to cover what remains.