Facelifts are not one-size-fits-all. Every person who comes to our Wayne Facelift surgeons have different needs based on their individual plastic surgery goals and unique facial features. Part of our surgeons’ job is to take this information and recommend the best possible procedure.

But what if one single procedure doesn’t adequately cover your needs? In that case, we have plenty of combination Facelift procedures that take aspects of several different operations, and we combine them into one plan designed to maximize your cosmetic surgery results. One of our most popular such procedures is the Main Line Facelift. The Main Line Facelift combines four procedures:
- Endoscopic Brow Lift
- Upper Blepharoplasty
- Lower Blepharoplasty
- Laser Resurfacing on lower eyelids
The result is an “eyes-and-up” Facelift that works great for patients whose wrinkles have mostly accumulated around the eyes and forehead. With the help of our experienced facial plastic surgeons, you can have years removed from your face. And of course, we have plenty of other options that we can combine into a facial surgical procedure that works well for you!