Facelift in Lancaster

American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery American Society of Ophthalmic Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery, Oculofacial Plastic Surgery American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery American Academy of Ophthalmology American Board of Ophthalmology American College of Surgeons (ACS) WillsEye Hospital Philadelphia, PA Philadelphia Magazine's Top Doctors 2024

Morgenstern Center for Orbital and Facial Plastic Surgery strives to deliver the best Facelift Lancaster has to offer.

A Facelift is a facial cosmetic procedure with virtually immediate results, and can be completed in a single appointment. It softens the effects of sagging skin in the lower face, jowling, nasolabial folds, descended cheeks, and loose skin beneath the chin and neck.

Facelift Before & Afters

Lift Your Spirits and Elevate Your Beauty with a Facelift

Has the face you see in the mirror started to look older than you feel or more like your parents’ than your own? Do you find yourself staring at your neck during Zoom meetings and wondering, “How did that happen?” Do you pull up on your cheeks and think to yourself that if you could only do a little lift it would look so much better? Then a facelift surgery by Dr. Morgenstern may be right for you.

A facelift can allow you to age more gracefully, turn back the hands of time, sharpen the jawline and rejuvenate the neck all with minimal downtime and keep you looking like you!

If you are dissatisfied with wrinkles, lines, and folds on your face, are unhappy with the sagging, drooping quality of the skin on your face, or simply want to restore more youthful facial characteristics, a facelift could be right for you.

If you have noticed jowls hanging from your jawline, flattening of your cheeks, or do now see a double chin from drooping skin, a facelift could be the perfect answer.

Prior to surgery, we require that all Lancaster Facelift patients have a consultation witho our expert surgeonds to determine eligibility prior to the surgery.

Facelift Lancaster

Your Lancaster facelift journey begins with a consultation with Dr. Morgenstern. You may be advised to take certain medications or adjust the intake of current medications. You may be asked to stop smoking as well, as this hinders the healing process.

The surgery will be a same-day procedure performed at a Certified Outpatient Facility. Typically there are no drains but you do have a headwrap on overnight. You will be seen the next day to remove your dressings. You will want to arrange for a friend or family member to drive you to and from surgery and to stay with you the first night following surgery.

A facelift procedure will begin with medications being administered as needed, and as discussed during your consultation, which may be intravenous sedation or general anesthesia. Following this, depending on if you are undergoing a traditional facelift, a limited incision facelift, or a neck lift, the respective incisions will be made.

Fat may be sculpted or redistributed from the face, jowls, and neck and underlying tissue will be repositioned. Face lifting is not skin lifting but excessive skin will be removed and redraped over the uplifted contours. A second incision under the chin may be necessary to further improve an aging neck. Sutures or skin adhesives close the incisions.

Facelift Lancaster

What to Expect After A Facelift

If you are prescribed pain medications, you will have filled your prescription ahead of time. Our cosmetic facial surgeons and our staff will make sure you do not have any more questions about your recovery, and we will provide you with contact information should you have any questions during your recovery period. Most people are surprised by how little pain or discomfort they have after surgery.

Our patients are released to go home the same day as their surgery. Every patient is different so every recovery period is unique to the individual. Influencing factors include what type of facelift was performed.

You will have previously arranged for someone to drive you home after the surgery. Our patients find it very helpful to have a spouse, family member or friend stay with them for at least 24 hours to provide assistance as needed in order to allow proper rest. You should also prepare for your recovery before your surgery day by making your home ready for the comforts you desire. . Get a comfy spot prepared with pillows, blankets, music, movies, or anything else to help you rest and relax. Get all your meals planned ahead of time.

You can expect some swelling after your procedure. The swelling is most pronounced for the first 24 to 48 hours. You will be asked to wear a facial wrap while at home to help the swelling to resolve. After a week, a lot of the swelling should go down. Some amount of subtle swelling may persist for several weeks. By six weeks most people can already see an amazing difference showing off a more youthful and natural look. Over the next several months to a year, your tissues will continue to heal, and a fully healed and youthful appearance will be finalized.

Steps for a Successful Facelift Recovery

Well in advance of your surgical appointment, our staff will have provided you with all the instructions you need to have a successful recovery. These instructions typically include:

  • Keep your head elevated to reduce swelling and bruising.
  • Do not exercise strenuously or lift anything heavy for the first few weeks.
  • Do not wash your hair or face in the shower until your surgeon has cleared it.
  • Avoid alcohol and smoking, which delay healing.

Morgenstern Center for Orbital and Facial Plastic Surgery prides itself on delivering natural results at the highest level of patient satisfaction. We treat every patient as an individual with unique issues while providing them with personalized solutions and options.

Philadelphia native Dr. Morgenstern believes that addressing the age-related facial changes we all get can produce a refreshed, youthful and normal appearance. Rejuvenating the area around your eyes, cheeks, forehead, and other facial areas can have a tremendous rejuvenating effect.

Dr. Morgenstern is a specialist in performing cosmetic and reconstructive surgeries of the eyes and face. He has subspecialty training in these areas and is accredited by the American Society of Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. Book Your Consultation today, we strive to deliver the best Facelift Lancaster has to offer.

Lancaster Facelift Consultation

Contact the Morgenstern Center today to set up a one-on-one consultation, where you will have the time to discuss any concerns or questions you might have in full detail. To learn more about treatments with expert Lancaster facelift surgeon, Dr. Kenneth Morgenstern, schedule a consultation with us today.

Schedule Your Consultation

At The Morgenstern Center for Orbital and Facial Plastic Surgery, you will find innovative treatment options and a commitment to excellence. Let Dr. Kenneth Morgenstern guide you on your path to wellness by creating a personalized treatment plan to optimize your results.

Wayne, PA Office:
123 Bloomingdale Ave Suite 102
Wayne, PA 19087

Lancaster, PA Office:
606 Community Way
Lancaster, PA 17603

Call Today 610.687.8771 or Schedule Using Our Form Below

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